

公司簡介 About Us

明烜營養科技有限公司 (Brilliant NutriBiotech Co., Ltd) 成立於2021年台灣高雄,主要營業內容為代理歐美動物營養添加品、特殊功能性蛋白原料及飼養管理性產品,銷售給國內外畜產、水產、寵物等飼料廠和農場及技術服務。秉持在動物營養領域的專業, 也有客製化海外市場開拓,目前也已經開始有東南亞市場的業務。


(1) 對於畜牧生產者:明烜提供有效果且具經濟生產效益的解決方案
(2) 對於食品業者:明烜由上游控管進口原料及營養品,肩負食安五環中第一環"源頭控管"的重任
(3) 對於動物:以動物福利為最終目標,以營養方式達成"免於疾病"、 "免於緊迫" 與"免於缺乏營養" 之自由
(4) 對於終端消費者:提供食品供應鏈生產者完整翦抗生產模式解決方案,食的安心,食在安全

Brilliant NutriBiotech Co., Ltd (BNBT) was established in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 2021. Our key business is as the distributor for European and American animal nutrition supplements, special functional protein raw materials and management products. We bring the finest nutritional additives and tehcnicals service to domestic and foreign livestock and aquaculture, pets industries, inclusive of feed manufacturers and farms. With our profession in the field of animal nutrition, tailor-made products also available for overseas market, and current business mainly in the Southeast Asian region.

明烜 is pronounced the same as wise choice in Chinese, which also reflects the core value of BNBT: to be a wise choice in the feed and food supply chain

(1) For livestock producers: BNBT provides effective and economically productive solutions
(2) For the food industry: BNBT controls imported raw materials and additives from the upstream, and shoulders the responsibility of "quality control" in the first ring of the food safety ring.
(3) For animals: the ultimate goal of BNBT is animal welfare, which is to achieve the freedom of "freedom from disease", "freedom from stress" and "freedom from lack of nutrition" through animal nutrition.
(4) For end consumers: BNBT provide complete solutions to the production model, either end the use of HMIAs* or NAE**, to food producers.

*Human medically important antimicrobials
**No antibiotics ever